07 Jul 2018


QUINTIN QS have been appointed to provide QS Services on a development of two dwellings in the village of Strangford, County Down.

Works are being negotiated with a local building contractor, KCL Contracts. Works situated at St John’s Lane.


Update: 7th July 2018

Progess as of earlier today. Peaks, steelwork and roofing commencing soon !

Windows being ordered by client and Mechanical quote being sourced.


Update: 16th June 2018

Plot 1 currently at first floor level with Eco joists installed.

Plot 2 ahead, rising towards wallplate level.

Works progressing well, taking advantage of our fine summer weather.

Still on programme, and a safe, tidy site being maintained by KCL Contracts Ltd.


Update: 26th April 2018

Plot 1 underbuilding complete.

Plot 2 underbuilding complete.

Plot 2 insitu concrete sub-floor poured on DPM.

Plot 2 superstructure blockwork to commence.


Update: 20th April 2018

Plot 2 substructures complete. Superstructure blockwork commencing today.


Plot 1 substructures excavated, reinforcement placed ahead of placing concrete.


Another view of plot 1 at chimney breast location.

Works progressing well and with superstructure blockwork progressing on plot 2, following trades can schedule their work.


Update: 14th April 2018

Plot 1 is marked out for trench excavations.


View of Plot 2 substructures completed. Reinforcement mesh placed in foundation. Split level between each plot 1 and 2.


View of footings to Plot 2.


Update: 6th April 2018

Site cleared and trench excavation works begun.

Upper plot 2 foundations placed….

Even with plenty of rainfall, KCL Contracts managing to keep works progressing!



Update: 30th March 2018

Demolition clearance finished and reduced level dig works complete, allowing marking out of one dwelling for substructures works.


Update: 21st March 2018

Site cleared and substructures commencing later this week.