22 Jul 2021

For builders and sub-contractors, securing work has many avenues. word of mouth, past contacts, referrals, and open competitions.

QUINTIN QS have built up a database of schemes, from initial estimates, to competitive tenders for small, medium and large schemes, of differing styles and shapes.

In order to narrow the gap between a client thinking of building and any contractor engaging in pricing (what may be described as tyre kicking schemes), we are proposing to share our guide costs with all registered builders and sub-contractors and facilitate clients obtaining prompt indications of cost, more accurately assessed from other schemes, and reducing the time and money spent by contractors pricing a scheme which may never come their way.

With the information at hand, the client can seriously consider if wishing to progress with scheme and seek a firm quotation from registered contractors to firm up the guide cost and if agreed, progress to contract and subsquently carry out proposed works.

For example, a client dreams of building a crib type retaining wall in their garden. From QUANTUM, under siteworks, 6A11 Retaining Walls, AG Anchor Bayfield dry-build retaining walls have been detailed (2m high) and indicative of what such work is likely to cost.

A client can assess that, excluding railings, a run of AG Anchor Bayfield crib walling, 2m high, would cost X pounds. Follow link below to view product in question.


If within their budget range, client can progress to emailing a chosen builder to seek firm quotation based on site specific matters, and hopefully X minus Y pounds as discount.

Overall, a simple but more cost effective and efficient method of introducing clients and builders.