- BY Kevin Barry BSc(Hons) MRICS
- POSTED IN Latest News

Dear Kevin Barry
Reference: CG1461
Many Thanks for the submission of your Concept Grant Application Form.
Your proposal has received an eligibility check and we are pleased to inform you that you have made it through to the next stage in the application process – the “Pitch and Q&A” session.
All eligible applicants have been invited to this stage, where each applicant will Pitch their idea to a techstartPanel, followed by a short Q&A session.
The Pitches will take place via Zoom on Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th February – each slot will be 20 minutes.
At your earliest convenience please schedule a slot.
Please note that the slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Once the date & time of your Pitch Session has been confirmed you will receive an email outlining the session, along with a Presentation Template you must follow.
After the Pitch Session all applications will be formally reviewed and scored, with final decisions being reached in February 2021.
Kind Regards,
Techstart Ventures