To all followers worldwide, here is a novel project to draw in funding to offset loans received to complement grant aid provided. As the construction reaches completion, find out how you can have your name displayed in the state of the art Health & Wellbeing Centre at

Added the above design and fitout company, a division of Designco Ltd, led by Richard McCullough, whom we met earlier today and viewed their impressive design studio and manufacturing facility. For clients considering complete design and fitting out of existing facilities, offer a unique selling point. Click on logo for their website. Also added […]

  Works have commenced at the Mountainview site in Castlewellan, Co.Down, with McGrady Contracts Ltd. Construction of 34nr semi detached, timber framed dwellings. Rock crushing machine arrived yesterday and planning to create much required hardcore from the rock being extracted from the top part of site. Click on image above for video   Sub-contractors and […]

Mountainview, Castlewellan Are you a Plumbing or Electrician firm interested in quoting for work on 34nr semi detached dwellings in the Mountainview area of Castlewellan, Co. Down ? Forward contact details if interested in quoting ! Thanks Kevin

Update: 11-01-2018 QUINTIN QS aims to bring aspects of building and construction technology to a wider interested audience via YouTube video clips. QUANTUM shall be the platform through which clips provided either as homepage features or under the relevant elemental headings ! First feature clip is a timber framed house construction in time lapse. {click […]