QUINTIN QS appointed to cost manage a D+B scheme providing 34nr semi attached dwellings, in Castlewellan, Co.Down. Update: November 2019 (21 dwellings handed over to Client) Update: 5th September 2019 Dwellings as completed Rear gardens as completed where backing onto higher level properties beyond Example of completed dormer, against painted wall finish and stainless steel […]

  SpouncerEcology is a local, dynamic and innovative environmental consultancy based in Portaferry Northern Ireland on the shores of Strangford Lough. Celia Spouncer and David Thompson have years of experience providing expertise in ecology survey, countryside management, professional wildlife guide services, biodiversity planning, natural landscape design local regeneration and sustainability projects and award winning garden […]

If you are a contractor pricing for work, don’t you want things to be simple and efficient ? Consider this….(x) if familar with shopping online for any product, you browse, view, select and purchase…. all from the comfort of your home/office/car etc, at any time of day or night. Imagine now…..(y) sitting with a job […]

  Connect   Update: QUANTUM Connect user base growing as we approach 4th quarter 2019. The news reported today (23/10/2019) of fines for price fixing cartels within the construction industry is inevitably the tip of the iceberg and the possibility of happening throughout the industry is real, as money and greed is the bottom line […]

     QUINTIN QS has updated QUANTUM with Ireland’s City/County Councils thus allowing sourcing of firms on an all Ireland basis. Click on image above to view page as constructed. All existing listed businesses shall be updated to appear in their relevant council area. With ongoing Brexit negotiations, as an interim update, we are reflecting […]

Business investment stagnating since Brexit vote ! Indecision and genuine fear post 31st October 2019 crash out is now biting hard ! Judging by NI not being part of EU Customs Union, its No Deal Brexit and the above trend will continue ! If crash out prevented and Ireland deemed to have a veto over […]

QUINTINQS recently prepared BQ tender documents for Alterations to Listed Building for new commercial venture.   Update: 5th October 2019 Tendering procedures successfully undertaken and lowest tenders within PTE (Pretender Estimate). Reporting to be undertaken next week.   For further information on services available, please contact.

    As we race through 2019, we seek to add to our stable of clients for outsourcing of QS / Estimating work, throughout Ireland. Full range of QS services available, both PQS and Developers/Builders QS. Interested parties should email if willing to discuss further. mail@kevinbarryqs.com