Within the Public Sector, as BoQ making a common sense comeback in lieu of Activity Schedules, here are the key points for architects to understand what a Quantity Surveyor (QS) does when preparing a Bill of Quantities (BoQ) for tendering. Such understanding has been lost in recent years where D&B the favourite route. Not any […]
NI Schools’ delegated budgets included £77 million for estate-related funding, but only £5 million was actually spent on maintenance The report notes this discrepancy but doesn’t fully explain where the £72 million went. Here’s what we know from the report specifically (from paragraph 1.17): “These figures do not include estate related funding paid directly to […]
Below a summary of the key points from the audit report on Managing the Schools’ Estate in Northern Ireland: Key Findings from the 2024 Audit Report The Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) has released a comprehensive report examining how the Department of Education manages its £4.6 billion schools estate, which comprises over 1,100 schools serving […]
Here’s a one-page executive summary of the key points from the BCIS December 2024 Quarterly Briefing: Market Overview & Outlook Key Cost Drivers Sector Performance Key Risks Economic Context
Market Analysis & Strategic Response A new housing supply strategy The Department for Communities’ Minister announced the launch of The Housing Supply Strategy 2024 – 2039, in a statement to the Assembly on 9 December 2024. The strategy, which was approved by the Executive on 5 December 2024, provides a 15-year framework for the development […]
BRIEFING NOTE: Strangford Lough Crossing Infrastructure AssessmentRef: UK National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) Second Assessment 2023 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The proposed Strangford Lough crossing aligns closely with key NIC strategic priorities: DEMOGRAPHIC & ECONOMIC CASE Census data demonstrates strong demographic case: INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK The NIC calls for: ACTION POINTS FOR NI EXECUTIVE & POLITICIANS: RECOMMENDATION: Based on […]
Based on the two documents “226718 NIAO Major Capital Projects_FINAL LW RES Complete.pdf” and “NI Audit Office Report – Major Capital Projects (follow-up).pdf”, here are the projects ranked by largest cost overruns: The report highlights systemic issues across projects including: The reports emphasize that while individual factors contributed to specific project overruns, there are fundamental […]
Purpose: To construct a bridge between the Ards Peninsula and Lecale close to the towns of Portaferry and Strangford, across The Narrows. {click on image below for NI Roads link}
The Procurement Act 2023 is currently expected to come into force on 24 February 2025, and equally apply in Northern Ireland. A few important points about the transition: This delayed implementation appears designed to give contracting authorities and suppliers adequate time to prepare for the significant changes the new regime will bring. The documents note […]
Labour Government are keen to undertake infrastructure works during their 5 year term. Problem is delivery. Here is a summary of the key points from the National Infrastructure Commission report into UK construction, from a quantity surveying perspective: From a QS perspective, this report underscores the need for early involvement in projects, strong cost management […]