Update 16-4-2020: Primary legislation required for extension of planning permissions. Pending lapses of permission should be renewed as per Minister Mallon comments today.   For Q3 2019/2020 NI Planning statistics, click on image above.

With COVID-19, all local established retail businesses, who are allowed to remain open, are adapting their service to include online payments and delivery involving no contact. Support your local retail where possible. These are established businesses who were here before COVID-19 and aim to continue serve their loyal customer base after COVID-19 pandemic ends.   […]

  Notwithstanding the current pandemic, there are people in business who will not give a damn about those affected and the work being done by the NHS, only concerned about how they are affected in terms of money.     For people in business, their priority is minimising the loss of money and aiming to […]

In the current restricted Corvid 19 conditions, to assist in our own minor way, QUINTIN QS has added simplified links to webcam facilities setup to connect Parishes with their communities, whether local, county, provincial and beyond. Landing page contains current scheduled services throughout Ireland and beyond. Click on image above for link to QUANTUM and […]

Dundonald Nurseries have adapted their services to delivery or collect, given the current Covid 19 pandemic. Telephone orders taken and Facetime call possible to view before you purchase. Delivery costs are to be agreed, depending on location and grouping of deliveries in such areas to reduce overall cost if possible.  

Update: 2/4/2020 Where builders continue to be asked to tender for schemes (which is happening at present), the fairest advice is to price/estimate as normal and note that prices for certain elements may be subject to review if the supplier future quote includes any uplift due to Covid 19 pandemic outworking, Shall apply more to […]

    Below is an small example of what is more likely to happen over coming weeks and UK/NI devolved government actions required to address all these points of concern; Tender was issued yesterday and client emailed today!   Dear Team From Tuesday 17 March of this week we started to see some of our […]

  If looking for a bricklayer/builder in the North Down or Ards area, Christopher Kirkwood (CK Construction) available to consider your proposed schemes. Contact Christopher on 07894748977 or email kipperkirk@hotmail.com Click on image above for CK Construction Facebook page.  

  QUINTIN QS willing to offer pro bono services to seniors in our local area, where requiring guidance on any form of construction repairs or works and unsure as to what actions to take. Always best to seek independent advice rather than engage and pay for works which may not necessarily be required or correctly […]