With the Christmas season upon us, we are adjusting our normal fees to offer competitive rates during January/February 2021. If you require QS services to meet tight deadlines, cover staff on sickness leave, holidays etc, happy to discuss requirements. Discount varies according to existing client relationship and on a first come first served basis until […]

Focussing on social value in procurement delivers greater value for money In society, there are benefits in considering our mental well being and community cohesion, all evident as we witness the onset of COVID-19. In our earlier blog, we introduced the UK Government Green Paper on transforming Public Procurement, which is introducing the term ‘social […]

The Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper sets out proposals to allow public works contracts under £4.7m to be limited to small businesses or to firms from a certain geographical area, allowing a buy British approach. The post-Brexit shake-up will also allow public procurers to assess the wider social benefits offered by a supplier, such as […]

As Sunday 13th December 2020 is decision date for Trade Deal agreement talks continuing, all future Cost Estimates shall include an Exclusion on the effect of the UK deciding to follow WTO trade rules and the cost effect on the general economy and particularly, construction projects

Enables NI public sector organisations and their arm’s-length bodies to access all types of building and civil engineering works. The flexible contract structure is designed to provide solutions for varying customer requirements. It includes advanced, innovative contract arrangements, allowing customers to procure programmes of work as self-managed sub-alliances. The framework is arranged in 11 lots […]

Evidence is gathering that input prices of materials are rising quickly for key products like plywood, plasterboard, facing bricks and small quantity steelwork.

As another season draws to a close, we would like to thank all the coaches and support persons in Ballygalget GAC who made it possible for all the children to take part in their hurling and camogie training and organised games during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is greatly appreciated, especially given the current circumstances. Below […]

    UPDATE: 16th September 2020 QUINTIN QS encourage support of the worthy charity in memory of Dr John Hinds & Ellie McDonnell.     Original post: 2nd August 2017 Today sees the official launch of the AANI service, after 12 years of campaiging. Officially in service from 2nd August 2017 Click on link above […]