04 May 2017

News: A local Ulster building supplier is advising customers of delays in the supply of PIR insulation boards due to shortages in the supply of chemical compounds used in the upstream manufacture of PIR insulation boarding. If costing such materials within schemes, beware of such cost risks, with no definite date for supplies being returned […]

04 May 2017

  Recent garage costings being added to QUANTUM for reference purposes, under Section 12. If considering building a 7m x 7m garage, with first floor usable space, we shall provide indicative costs for guidance. Where specific costs required, contact via QUANTUM anytime. Alternative finishes can be considered and cost options provided.

28 Mar 2017

  https://www.derrynow.com/news/british-government-confirm-ni-retain-eu-membership-part-united-ireland/153146 Hope remains that the province of Ulster can continue to remain part of Europe, if desired by its people. Recent election reinforces the growing will of the people to continue to have jobs and prosperity as part of Europe, whether involved in construction, farming, services or education sectors! Irish European elections now only […]

21 Mar 2017

Reliable sources indicating bricklayers from throughout the province of Ulster being offered £1,000 per week for working within the North Dublin area, involving major housing schemes….creeping up towards the current £1,500 per week in London. Trades being lured away from local Ulster market therefore bricklaying labour rates hardening  !

17 Mar 2017

  Saint Patrick’s Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland,[10] Northern Ireland,[11] the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (for provincial government employees), and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora around the world, especially in Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, […]

22 Feb 2017

Within the construction industry, we are reaching a zero sum end-game in procuring work and the pricing of same. Never mind quantities being driven down to sub-contractors preparing and providing all quantities, pricing is now being out-sourced and being ‘priced’ by inexperience persons only intent on making an easy profit ! Such direction of travel […]