13 May 2021

Material prices are moving apace. According to the Construction Leadership Council, plastics, cement, timber, roof tiles, bricks and imported materials such as plumbing and electrical products are in short supply. It should also be noted that the £1.6 billion funding for re-cladding unsafe blocks of flats could lead to a shortage of cladding generally. The […]

26 Jan 2021

QUANTUM COMMERCIAL Dear Kevin Barry Reference: CG1461  Many Thanks for the submission of your Concept Grant Application Form. Your proposal has received an eligibility check and we are pleased to inform you that you have made it through to the next stage in the application process – the “Pitch and Q&A” session. All eligible applicants have been […]

15 Jan 2021

In preparation of BQ documents as part of tendering procurement, Clients and Contractors should be aware that SMM7 is still being used successfully within the UK and around the world but NRM2 is recommended by RICS as best practice.  In the worst-case scenario of a legal dispute, the court or tribunal might ask why NRM […]

08 Jan 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic gathers pace, and the outworkings of Brexit become evident, we are witnessing the total meltdown in the health service provision across the full range of services where severe pressures are mounting, and also for the general economy, not withstanding the financial props which exist (albeit not for everyone #excludedUK, #excludedNI) And […]