- BY Kevin Barry BSc(Hons) MRICS
- POSTED IN Latest News
Update: 23rd December 2023

Preparation works continuing. Power on, and sales floor lighting commissioning looks complete. Envisage a New Year push to fit out floor with shelving, tills, product etc. Fair play to Asda, not wasting time.
Orginal post: Asda showing their commitment to Downpatrick by erecting a temporary store. Not just a click and collect facility but a fully functioning sales floor, tills etc. Refer to plans below as submitted to Planning and publically available to view on portal.

Works underway and these photos taken this afternoon as workmen active on site. Noticed that floor level set approx 1m above tarmac carpark level so taking no chances ! Note height of traffic cone at floor level.
Not confirmed when existing store be stripped and cleared but no doubt, if re-building on same footprint alternative groundwork solutions envisaged if purported sink holes underneath.
Prompt action by Asda and clearly shows their commitment to customers and staff.